Been writing since 2018 about web development with React and JavaScript, tech, investments and living in Berlin.
- [Storybook] Visual regression tests with Loki
How to setup visual regression tests with Loki for your Design System in Storybook using GitHub Actions.
visual regressions testsjavascripttypescriptstorybookdesign system
- Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking
Learn how to extend your problem-solving skills, my take on Coursera Computational Thinking course.
codinges6javascriptdeveloper lifecoursera
- AWS CLI fatal error: An error occurred (SignatureDoesNotMatch) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation
Working with AWS CLI v2 could be fun.
- How to upload files to AWS S3 bucket using official Docker image and Amazon AWS CLI s3 sync with GitLab CI
- How to setup Apollo Client in order to perform GraphQL queries with NextJS
- Setting up GraphQL API with MongoDB and Apollo Server for a NextJS app
- Migrating tasks and notes from Wunderlist to Joplin
- How to create custom Create React App (CRA) templates
- Extend your end-to-end Cypress tests with visual tests using AI and Applitools
codinge2ee2e testsjavascriptdev
- Measure performance of the app on every push with Lighthouse CI GitHub Action
In this article we're going to create GitHub Action witch is generating Lighthouse report.
jsjavascriptlighthouselighthouse cipage performance
- Provide common context to React components with useContext() hook
jsjavascriptreactreact hooksreact custom hooks
- Write custom React hook to change background color of the page
jsjavascriptreactreact hooksreact custom hooks
- Start using Yarn v2 codename berry today
jsjavascriptyarnyarn v2yarn berry
- More readable Jest + Enzyme tests assertions with jest-enzyme
- Switching from the GitHub Pages to Zeit Now deployment
- How to configure automated deployments for every branch/commit with Zeit now
- How to delete GitHub branches automatically after merge by default
codingopen sourcecodedevgithub
- 🤖 How to configure Renovate - automated dependencies updates for your project
codingopen sourcereactcodejavascript
- 💻 Hacktoberfest challenge 2019
codingopen sourcereactcodejavascript
- Full Stack Fest 2019 conference in Spain
- Supporting refugees in Berlin
- How to test React components wrapped in withRouter HOC
- How to avoid circular dependencies in your JavaScript monorepo
- Reactathon 2018 React Conference in San Francisco
codetravelsan franciscousaconference
- Golden rules of code refactoring
- Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extensions that I use daily
javascriptvscodereactcode snippets
- Three simple steps to start investing in ETF